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Parents Evenings
Parents' Evenings are held over two evenings, twice a year - in the autumn and spring terms - and are an opportunity to discuss your child's progress and share any relevant information. There will also be a chance to see your child's workbooks at the spring term meeting.
If you are unable to attend one of these evenings, your child's class teacher will try to see you at another time. Annual school reports are sent out at the end of the summer term. Teachers are happy to meet with parents/carers on request or in the school playground before or after school if available. Requests to meet with the Head Teacher can be made through the School Office. We would kindly ask that in the first instance you meet with your child's teacher, then Phase leader, then contact the Head Teacher if necessary.
Parents/Carers manage their own booking times via the Parentmail "Parents Evening" facility.
Parents' Evenings 2025
We will be conducting our Parents' Evening meetings in school on the following dates:
Spring Term: Tuesday 25th and Thursday 27th February.