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We have a very active PTA at Hawes Down Primary School, and you may well be aware or have already enjoyed some of the events the PTA has organised. With huge support from the school community, we continue to raise a considerable amount of money which benefits all of our children.

  • Our fundraising allows us to continue to enhance and enrich the curriculum for all the children by purchasing some essential items but also funding some ‘nice to have activities’
  • All parents and carers are automatically members of the PTA when their son/daughter joins the school but if you would like to become more involved there are two options open to you – the PTA Committee or the PTA Volunteer Bank.
  • The Committee oversees the day to day running of the PTA and organises fundraising events. The Committee meets monthly and elected members need to be able to make as many of these meetings as possible, to ensure the smooth running of the PTA. The Committee must have a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and ideally a parent representative from each year group. In addition, 2 teachers sit on the committee.
  • The Volunteer Bank is made up of parents/carers who want to help and get involved in school events on a more informal basis rather than joining the more formal committee. Volunteer bank member details are held on a database and emails are distributed to this group as and when volunteers are needed to help out, be it at open mornings, school discos, or manning a stall at an event. Everyone has different constraints on their time, but this gives everyone the opportunity to be involved to the level that they are able to.
  • We are very grateful to all the parents/carers and teachers who have been so supportive over the year and we look forward to welcoming the parents of our new children.
  • To find out more about what the PTA does and how you can get involved please contact one of our committee members who will be happy to help you. Also please put forward suggestions for new fundraising activities as they are always very welcome!

If you would like to join the PTA Committee or Volunteer Bank, or would like to find out more about forthcoming planned events, please click here for further information.


MARCH ii - 2025

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