In this section...


Here at Hawes Down, we believe that children learn and retain spellings more effectively if word patterns and rules are taught, and applied, in meaningful contexts. We aim to instil in our children a love of words through pattern finding, word-catching and collecting, etymological enquiries and spelling rule investigations.

Spelling in ks1

EYFS children will be given a list of high frequency words and Common Exception words (tricky words) to practise reading and spelling at home.

Year 1 and 2: Please continue to practise reading and spelling the Common Exception words (tricky words) for your child’s year group. These words will be taught through weekly spelling lessons and assessed through the children’s writing.

Spelling in ks2

Weekly spelling lessons at schools will focus on:

  • the revision of spelling patterns;
  • rules taught in previous years;
  • common exception words;
  • spelling patterns/rules specific to each year group;
  • etymology of words (linked to historical periods studied/MFL);
  • dictionary skills;
  • spelling strategies for learning new words
  • Curriculum words for yr3/4 and yr5/6.

As we do not do weekly spelling tests, we are keen that children learn their spellings in the way that suits them best. This may include using mnemonics, looking at visual patterns, finding words within words and so on (see additional spelling strategies to use on the links below). Children will be assessed through their written work across the curriculum, and through termly quizzes set by the teacher.

How can you support your child at home?

Parents/Carers often ask how they can best support their child at home with spelling without spelling tests.  Below are a list of useful resources (see links) that could be used. In addition, children at home can be supported by:

  • practising and learning the Curriculum words for their year group ( a copy of these were also handed at parents evening);
  • completing spelling activities on Purple Mash (this is free choice - these will not be set by the teacher). You can find these by clicking on Browse Subjects>English>SPAG (Spelling Scheme of Work)>Specific Year Group;
  • regular reading with a grown up at home.

Years 2-6 Spelling Shed 

Introduction to Spelling Shed_Parent and Carer Workshop

Parent Guide for Spelling Shed

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