Pupil Premium Information
Back to Key InformationPupil Premium is a separate additional government funding stream, delegated to schools. This funding is allocated based on the numbers of children attending the school who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM); children who have had Free School Meals during the last six years (EVER6 FSM); children who are in care and have been looked after continuously for more than six months (CLA); and children who have been adopted.
Schools have the freedom to use the pupil premium funding in innovative ways, but it is expected to be used to raise the attainment of the pupils and to close any attainment gap between eligible pupils and their peers. They are held to account by Ofsted through its inspections, which include a close focus on Pupil Premium use and the performance of pupils who attract it. Schools are required to publish online details of their premium spend for parents and carers.
The report and monitoring of high needs funding help to improve transparency, quality and choice for young people and their families. These arrangements help to secure greater consistency and equivalence in how funding is distributed to schools and move us towards a pupil-driven funding system which promotes choice and raises quality.
For the academic year 2022/23, HDPS will receive £56,905 in Pupil Premium funding plus £13,850 Recovery Premium. Pupil Premium funding is £1,385 per pupil and we have 36 eligible pupils.
Funding is being used to provide:
- Additional support from Teaching Assistants within the classroom
- Small group and 1:1 tuition from Teaching Assistants and Teachers
- Attendance Checks
- Home and School support
- After School/In School booster classes for Year 6 children
- Family Worker support - pastoral support and support with the curriculum
- Funding places at before or after school clubs
- Giving access to enrichment opportunities including school trips
- Access to the school counsellor